
Q: On 9/25 Xi Jinping is coming to the White House to have a state visit. How would you expect the Taiwan elections will be raised and discussed during his visit here?
[Bonnie Glaser]
A: I think every Chinese leader when he meets with an American counterpart raises Taiwan, in recent years my understanding that has been rather perfunctory, mostly because China has felt it has been able to manage the relationship with Taiwan by itself. I doubt, actually, that this time around that it will be very different. There is an enormous number of far more pressing issues between the US and China on the agenda, and frankly, limited time, between the two presidents? [moderator: 30 hours?] Well, 30 hours probably includes all of the events, right? So that means the ceremony on the South Lawn, the state dinner, the luncheon at the State Department. There will be two opportunities for in-depth discussion. One in the dinner, the prior evening when he arrives, and then one in the following day, with some other, of course, number of people in the room.
So I would be surprised if Xi does not raise it, because this is something Chinese leaders always want to lay down a marker. This time, I would guess that Xi Jinping’s message will be that the United States should try to play a more proactive role to ensure that cross-strait stability exists, and in order to have cross-strait stability, that there must be an acceptance by Taiwan’s next president of the 1992 Consensus, and more importantly, One China, and that the US should play a role in ensuring that that happens. But I doubt it would be a prolonged conversation. I think we’ll hear more from China after the election, and at this particular juncture in time, I think there are just far more important and really urgent issues that the two presidents will want to talk about.
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美智庫學者:下任台灣總統 須接受九二共識 2015-09-11 03:07:54 聯合報 華盛頓記者賴昭穎/九日電 中共國家主席習近平將於廿五日在華府會晤美國總統歐巴馬,華府兩岸問題專家葛來儀表示,習應該會要美國在確保兩岸穩定上扮演更積極的角色;而為了兩岸穩定,下任台灣總統必須接受九二共識,更重要的是一個中國。 華府智庫「大西洋理事會」九日舉行研討會,討論台灣明年的選舉。在被問到「歐習會」的問題時,葛來儀說,每一位大陸領導人在會晤美國總統時都會提出台灣問題,最近幾年因為中方無法獨自處理好對台關係,因此提的相對更多。 葛來儀說,她覺得這次歐習會比較不同,因為雙方有許多更急迫性的問題要討論,加上兩人只有大約卅個小時的有限時間,其中包括在白宮南草坪的歡迎儀式、國宴、在國務院的午宴,因此只有兩個機會可以深入討論,一個是習抵達華府當天的晚宴,一個是隔天的會議。 葛來儀表示,中方沒提出台灣問題才會讓她訝異,她推測習近平要傳達的訊息會是美國在確保兩岸穩定上扮演更積極的角色;而為了兩岸穩定,下任台灣總統必須接受九二共識,更重要的是一個中國。不過,兩人討論台灣問題的時間應該不會太長。 至於民進黨主席蔡英文若當選下任總統,她的兩岸政策是否會像前總統陳水扁一樣說變就變?葛來儀說,北京應該深入探討為何陳水扁當時會改變兩岸政策,陳水扁並不想當一個傾獨的挑釁者,而是他對大陸對台政策感到失望所致,北京在思考與蔡英文互動時,必須從當時的經驗學到教訓。 葛來儀說,北京的確不信任蔡英文,因蔡曾參與兩國論起草、也曾強烈勸阻陳水扁接受九二共識,蔡的過去讓中方擔憂,大陸學者經常說,陳水扁是投機分子,蔡英文則是理論家(ideologue);儘管她不認同這樣的說法,但這顯示中方對蔡濃厚的猜疑,這也代表蔡英文必須更努力去讓大陸安心。即使這樣的關切現在沒有,但蔡仍有責任提出保證不會追求過去提出的主張。 | 美智庫學者:歐習會 可能觸及九二共識議題 2015-09-11 03:07:54 聯合報 華盛頓記者賴昭穎/九日電 中共國家主席習近平將於廿五日在華府會晤美國總統歐巴馬,華府兩岸問題專家葛來儀表示,習可能會提出的訊息,包括要美國在確保兩岸穩定上扮演更積極的角色;而為了兩岸穩定,下任台灣總統必須接受九二共識。 華府智庫「大西洋理事會」九日舉行研討會,討論台灣明年的選舉。在被問到「歐習會」的問題時,葛來儀說,每一位大陸領導人在會晤美國總統時都會提出台灣問題,最近幾年因為中方無法獨自處理好對台關係,因此提的相對更多。 葛來儀說,她覺得這次歐習會比較不同,因為雙方有許多更急迫性的問題要討論,加上兩人只有大約卅個小時的有限時間,其中包括在白宮南草坪的歡迎儀式、國宴、在國務院的午宴,因此只有兩個機會可以深入討論,一個是習抵達華府當天的晚宴,一個是隔天的會議。 葛來儀表示,中方沒提出台灣問題才會讓她訝異,她推測習近平要傳達的訊息會是美國在確保兩岸穩定上扮演更積極的角色;而為了兩岸穩定,下任台灣總統必須接受九二共識,更重要的是一個中國。不過,兩人討論台灣問題的時間應該不會太長。 至於民進黨主席蔡英文若當選下任總統,她的兩岸政策是否會像前總統陳水扁一樣說變就變?葛來儀說,北京應該深入探討為何陳水扁當時會改變兩岸政策,陳水扁並不想當一個傾獨的挑釁者,而是他對大陸對台政策感到失望所致,北京在思考與蔡英文互動時,必須從當時的經驗學到教訓。 葛來儀說,北京的確不信任蔡英文,因蔡曾參與兩國論起草、也曾強烈勸阻陳水扁接受九二共識,蔡的過去讓中方擔憂,大陸學者經常說,陳水扁是投機分子,蔡英文則是理論家(ideologue);儘管她不認同這樣的說法,但這顯示中方對蔡濃厚的猜疑,這也代表蔡英文必須更努力去讓大陸安心。即使這樣的關切現在沒有,但蔡仍有責任提出保證不會追求過去提出的主張。 | 歐習會 專家葛來儀:習近平會提台灣問題 2015-09-10 14:53:06 聯合晚報 華盛頓記者賴昭穎/九日電 中國大陸國家主席習近平將於25日在華府會晤美國總統歐巴馬,華府兩岸問題專家葛來儀表示,習應該會要美國在確保兩岸穩定上扮演更積極角色。為了兩岸穩定,下任台灣選出的總統必須接受九二共識,更重要的是一個中國。 華府智庫「大西洋理事會」9日舉行研討會,討論台灣明年的選舉。在被問到歐習會的問題時,葛來儀說,每一位大陸領導人會晤美國總統時,都會提出台灣問題,最近幾年因為中方無法獨自處理好對台關係,提的相對更多。 她表示,這次歐習會比較不同,因為雙方有許多更急迫的問題要討論,加上兩人只有大約30個小時的有限時間,其中包括白宮南草坪的歡迎儀式、國宴、在國務院的午宴,只有兩個機會可以深入討論,一個是習抵達華府當天的晚宴,一個是隔天的會議。 葛來儀表示,中方沒提出台灣問題才會讓她訝異,她推測習近平要傳達的訊息,會是美國在確保兩岸穩定,扮演更積極角色。為了兩岸穩定,下任台灣選出的總統必須接受九二共識,更重要的是一個中國。不過,兩人討論台灣問題的時間應該不會太長。 至於民進黨總統參選人蔡英文若當選,她的兩岸政策是否會像前總統陳水扁一樣說變就變,葛來儀說,北京應該深入探討為何陳水扁當時會改變兩岸政策,陳水扁並不想當一個傾獨的挑釁者,而是對大陸的對台政策感到失望所致,北京在思考與蔡英文互動時,必須從當時的經驗學到教訓。 (無第六段內容) |
On September 10, United Daily News inaccurately reported that I stated on a panel discussion at the Atlantic Council the prior day that DPP Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen should accept the 1992 Consensus and the existence of “one China.” The video of the event is posted on youtube, so there is no dispute over what I actually said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTqxmGb5npY. The statement in question can be heard at approximately minute 58.
In response to a question about what Chinese President Xi Jinping might say to President Obama, I speculated that Xi would encourage the US to play a more proactive role to ensure the preservation of cross-Strait stability, and that in order to achieve this, he might say “there must be acceptance by Taiwan’s next president of the 1992 Consensus, and more importantly, 'One China.'” UDN’s reporter in Washington DC faithfully reported my words in his story, but the editors in Taipei deliberately created a headline to mislead readers to think that I personally urged Tsai Ing-wen to accept the 1992 Consensus and “One China.”
This is not the first time that some Taiwanese media have distorted my statements to support their political agenda. I am an independent American scholar and I do not want to be a pawn in Taiwan’s politics, especially during the election season. I urge the media in Taiwan to respect the integrity and freedom of American scholars to speak out their mind without the fear that their statements will be distorted or they will be quoted out of context.
I appreciate the fact that at my request, UDN has revised the erroneous headline. I ask that this statement be published in their newspaper at the earliest possible time.
Bonnie Glaser
Senior Adviser for Asia
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Washington, DC

