

育昇25日召開記者會,抨擊自由時報24日「里昂證券:馬2012會敗選」的報導(見左圖),扭曲里昂證券內部對馬英九2012選情的評估;但吳卻被記者當場質疑,漏翻了該段文章的第一句:「We maintain the view we proposed last June, that the 2012 Presidential election is the KMT's to lose.」(見最上圖,註:頭家來開講少打了 "to" )。

網路上找到對「it's someone's to lose」句型的解釋
The American presidency is Hillary Clinton's to lose 是什麼意思?這個句型有趣!!中文裡的「中華大勝日本」、「中華大敗日本」,都是我勝,這裡的 lose 同樣奧妙,也是她贏。

是你的,或穩是你的,才談得到失去。所以 it's someone's to lose,表示如在囊中,探手可得,勝算極高,等於已是其人之物,幾乎就只等此人去贏,除非忽然陰溝裡翻了船。反之,someone's to gain,就是人人有希望,個個沒把握,說不準是不是你的,所以必須去努力贏得。

如果你應徵工作,對方竟買機票,提供住宿,大老遠接你去面談,Well, it seems the job is yours to lose. 十拿九穩對方很中意你,等著上任吧。

如果林志玲競選名模,Well, the champion is hers to lose. 反過來說,如果林志玲的小喬去提名金馬獎,但是輸了,她可以這樣漂亮地回答媒體:Well, it was never mine to lose.

里昂證券的 "最後" 版本「國民黨應會贏得2012年選舉,除非自亂陣腳」算是持平的說法,但他們在其後有很大的篇幅在說明「自亂陣腳」的現象;然而就像「打人是不對的,但是邱議瑩打對人了!」的說法一樣,會讓人各取所需。而我認為依據馬政府的現況,網友學長所說的「KMT’s to lose意思係『贏贏ㄍ一ㄠ、給他ㄅㄨㄚ介輸輸去』」的解釋,或是「煮熟的鴨子飛了」、「陰溝裡翻船」,比上面的各種說明更能貼近里昂證券的原意與事實。

就英文文法而言,每個段落的第一句話,通常為key sentence,亦即代表該段落要表達的主要文意,其後接續的文句是用來說明、舉證或演繹,以加強或支持這個論點,吳一開始便故意漏掉這樣一個關鍵句,顯然心裡有鬼!不僅如此,《聯合報》25日也在吳的記者會前刊出與自由時報同樣的報導(見左圖);TVBS25日也指出,里昂證券的英文報告寫到馬總統2012會輸掉大選,但中文翻譯的聲明卻多了前提,就是國民黨自亂陣腳。顯見吳育昇是有選擇性地忽略《聯合報》,卻特別針對自由時報。






"Market expectations are for continued substantive progress on the cross-Strait agenda with little disruption to that agenda from local politics. The market also expects President Ma Ying-jeou to be re-elected in 2012, giving the initial progress time to take root and allowing for further improvement. There is little likelihood, in our view, that the actual outcome will be better than those baseline expectations, and there is a greater likelihood that either the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) or a misstep by the Kuomintang (KMT) could derail those expectations."

"The success of the current Ma administration is inexorably tied to the success of the administration’s efforts to improve cross-Strait relations, particularly through deepening economic ties with mainland China. These efforts, in turn, hinge on the successful negotiation and completion of the initial ECFA. We are confident that the ECFA will be signed, but the manner in which it is presented to the public will matter as much as the content in determining how much it helps or hurts the Ma administration."

"We maintain the view we proposed last June, that the 2012 Presidential election is the KMT’s to lose. The Ma administration’s China policy has broad enough public support that it should be able carry the 2012 election on its own merits. However, we also believe that “it would likely require some selfinflicted wound for the KMT to lose in 2012” and events of recent months highlight the ease with which this can happen."

"The KMT’s fundamental problem is its serial inability to effectively balance local and national priorities. While the Ma administration’s China policy enjoys broad support, the administration has a weak track record on domestic issues and has often come across as aloof and insensitive. This problem was on stark display with the government’s inept response to Typhoon Morakot and the lasting impression it made."









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